Openssl Generate Private Key And Csr As Pem


Generate RSA private key (2048 bit) and a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) with a single command openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout server.key -out server.csr Convert private key to PEM format openssl rsa -in server.key -outform PEM -out server.pem Generate a self-signed certificate that is valid for a year with sha256 hash openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in csr.pem -signkey private.pem -out certificate.pem View details of a RSA private key openssl rsa -in private.pem. May 22, 2019.

Generate CSR - OpenSSL


This article provides step-by-step instructions for generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) in OpenSSL. This is most commonly required for web servers such as Apache HTTP Server and NGINX. If this is not the solution you are looking for, please search for your solution in the search bar above.

Switch to a working directory

Openssl Generate Private Key And Csr As Pem

GNU/Linux & Mac OS X users:
Open a terminal and browse to a folder where you would like to generate your keypair

Windows Users:
Navigate to your OpenSSL 'bin' directory and open a command prompt in the same location.

Generate a CSR & Private Key:
openssl req -out CSR.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout privatekey.key

To generate a 4096-bit CSR you can replace the rsa:2048 syntax with rsa:4096 as shown below.
openssl req -out CSR.csr -new -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout privatekey.key

Note: You will be prompted to enter a password in order to proceed. Keep this password as you will need it to use the Certificate.

Fill out the following fields as prompted:
Note: The following characters can not be accepted: < > ~ ! @ # $ % ^ * / ( ) ?.,&

Country NameUS (2 Letter Code)
State or ProvinceNew Hampshire (Full State Name)
LocalityPortsmouth (Full City name)
OrganizationGMO GlobalSign Inc (Entity's Legal Name)
Organizational Unit Support (Optional, e.g. a department)
Common (Domain or Entity name)

You should now have a Private Key (privatekey.key) which should stay on your computer, and a Certificate Signing Request (CSR.csr), which can be submitted to GlobalSign to sign your public key. Each of these files can be viewed in a plain text editor such as Notepad, TextEdit, Vi, Nano, and Notepad++.

One of the most versatile SSL tools is OpenSSL which is an open source implementation of the SSL protocol. There are versions of OpenSSL for nearly every platform, including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. OpenSSL is commonly used to create the CSR and private key for many different platforms, including Apache. However, it also has hundreds of different functions that allow you to view the details of a CSR or certificate, compare an MD5 hash of the certificate and private key (to make sure they match), verify that a certificate is installed properly on any website, and convert the certificate to a different format. A compiled version of OpenSSL for Windows can be found here.

If you don't want to bother with OpenSSL, you can do many of the same things with our SSL Certificate Tools. Below, we have listed the most common OpenSSL commands and their usage:

Openssl Generate Private Key Csr

General OpenSSL Commands

These commands allow you to generate CSRs, Certificates, Private Keys and do other miscellaneous tasks.

  • Generate a new private key and Certificate Signing Request
  • Generate a self-signed certificate (see How to Create and Install an Apache Self Signed Certificate for more info)
  • Generate a certificate signing request (CSR) for an existing private key
  • Generate a certificate signing request based on an existing certificate
  • Remove a passphrase from a private key

Checking Using OpenSSL

Openssl Generate Private Key And Csr As Pem Key

Windows 7 product key generator 2014 home premium 64 bit. If you need to check the information within a Certificate, CSR or Private Key, use these commands. You can also check CSRs and check certificates using our online tools.

  • Check a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
  • Check a private key
  • Check a certificate
  • Check a PKCS#12 file (.pfx or .p12)

Debugging Using OpenSSL

If you are receiving an error that the private doesn't match the certificate or that a certificate that you installed to a site is not trusted, try one of these commands. If you are trying to verify that an SSL certificate is installed correctly, be sure to check out the SSL Checker.

Openssl Generate Private Key And Csr As Pem

Create Pem From Crt And Key Openssl

  • Check an MD5 hash of the public key to ensure that it matches with what is in a CSR or private key
  • Check an SSL connection. All the certificates (including Intermediates) should be displayed

Converting Using OpenSSL

These commands allow you to convert certificates and keys to different formats to make them compatible with specific types of servers or software. For example, you can convert a normal PEM file that would work with Apache to a PFX (PKCS#12) file and use it with Tomcat or IIS. Use our SSL Converter to convert certificates without messing with OpenSSL.

  • Convert a DER file (.crt .cer .der) to PEM
  • Convert a PEM file to DER
  • Convert a PKCS#12 file (.pfx .p12) containing a private key and certificates to PEM

    You can add -nocerts to only output the private key or add -nokeys to only output the certificates.

  • Convert a PEM certificate file and a private key to PKCS#12 (.pfx .p12)

Openssl Generate Private Key And Csr As Pem File

Originally posted on Sun Jan 13, 2008